martes, 22 de enero de 2013

Meet Magda

To Technical carrers, ADM and Night Shifts: 

Dear students:

This is the link to the Audio / Reading and Practice: "Meet Magda" we studied in the classroom

Click here 

Or copy this address:

Here is the transcript!!!

Check the missspelling and study vocabulary

Hello everybody -my name’s Magda. Magda Gozinski - that’s quite difficult to pronounce - so everyone just calls me Magda.
I’m from Poland but I’ve been living in London for two years now. I’m trying to improve my English so I apologise if I make mistakes sometimes.
or if I don’t understand you -
I’m here studying architecture - I’m doing a post graduate degree. I want to become an architect and design buildings but it’s quite difficult. I hope I’ll get a job when I finish my studies so then I can stay in the UK or perhaps go somewhere else. I’d like to travel a lot but I haven’t really been anywhere yet, apart from Poland and Britain. Johnny tells me that I should go to China - perhaps I will.

London is great - so many people from all over the world. But it’s very expensive and money’s a problem for me - I’m a poor student - a lot of people here in London only seem to be interested in money. I don’t like that attitude.I think there are more important things in life than money. Friendship for example.

Sometimes I miss my family in Poland - but I’m happy here I’ve got a great bunch of friends here. Sarah is my best friend. She has lots of the same interests as me and we often visit museums or go to shows together. Olivia is a good friend as well. She’ll always help when you’ve got a problem. Ha - the boys are funny too -

We always meet up in Tony’s cafe. It’s not far from where I live so it’s a good place to hang out. The weather in England isn’t great - it rains a lot, so it’s good to have a place inside where we can all be together. Tony makes good coffee too.

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